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/ Draw Works New Millennium - Vector & Bitmap / DrawWorks New Millennium - Vector and Bitmap for RISC OS Workstations.iso / _typo2500 / decorative / indstyle / oblique / _fontspr (.png) next >
Acorn (RISC OS) Sprite  |  2000-02-09  |  58KB  |  501x231  |  4-bit (8 colors)
Labels: bulletin board | reckoner | sky
OCR: indstyla:obliquz iEV producta delighted to the profzzaional Expert font ed. containing 3000 high quality fonta hinted with ane often copied but nEVEP bettered nat hinting fonta 3002 with tny character EEt kerning paira fonta can be ueed airectly fram the -p2 or aopied to hard comprehenaive prograoe are 0I53456789 % ]i0 3*(O{}[] indatula obliqus preaznt prafeaaional typography DEVEP syatem WhERe appropriats directly from hara dizk cooprehenaive atility progranz 0I33456789